Features of Python:-

(1)Simplicity/Easy to Understand:-

.Python is a simple and easy to understand language

which feels like reading simple English.

(2)It is an Open Source Language:-

.Python language is freely available at the

official website.

(3)It is a High-Level Programming:-

.This pseudo code nature of python makes it

easy to learn and understanding by beginners.

(4)It is Interpreted:-

.There is no need to compile python code.

(5)It is Potable:-

.Python code run on any platform.

(6)It is Extensible:-

.We can compile python code in c/c++ language.

(7)It comes with Vast Collection of Libraries:-

.So many libraries we can use in python language.

(8)It is an Object Oriented Language:-

.Python is object oriented programming it is a key feature in python.

(9)Python has Very Limited Syntax:-

.One of the key feature in python programming language.

(10)GUI Programming:-

.Python support GUI applications.

Khan Asif Salim
Dec 15, 2021


